Snow caps L Glutathione - Review

Hello again!! It's my second time using this Snowcaps L Glutathione capsule. When I took it last year. It gives me a good result to whitens my skin but I decided to stop because it's quite expensive for me and I don't have work at that moment.

When I heared the good news from Watson's Waltermart Pampanga that has 20% discount for those who have a SM Advantage Card or any BDO Reward Card, you can avail the limited discount for the selected items. On the last day of the promo I decided to buy a one Box of Snowcaps to try again for the second time.

I started to take this capsule last October 21, 2015 as of now I don't have seen any changes on my skin but I already tried this product so I know it was effective.

October 21-29 2015
It's already 9 days I'm taking this capsule but like what I said a while ago I don't have yet seen any changes on my skin.

I will update my blog post after my 2nd week. But based on their post on their facebook it will visible the whitening effects after 4-8 weeks.

SEE MORE: Skin Care Tips

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