VIRAL: Boy Does Not Like His Father, Until Something Happened...

VIRAL: Boy Does Not Like His Father, Until Something Happened...

"The boy doesn't see his dad as an inspiration, until the time come and his dad died - He discovered His Dad's true intentions.
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The boy in the video was raised by his single father. They were poor - and he hates it. He hates that his father is more hardworking than the other fathers but they were not that rich. He confronted his dad and asked him why they were not rich. His dad answered with a smile on his face and said, "Who said we aren't rich?"

His father's message was strong and very striking. "Being rich is not about how much you have, but about how much you can give." The boy learned all about his father's secret charity work and donations. His father didn't want him to know, because he wanted his son to learn to live a humble life. 

Source: Vidsee

Many netizens were left with tears after watching this inspirational drama short film from Singapore. The viral video with over 5.8 million views was uploaded by Viddsee youtube channel last March 6, 2014. This short film was entitled, "Gift".

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